History of YB IPT RAS

According to the decree of the Presidium of the Academy of sciences of USSR № 1065 of 29.09.1983, Institute of Microelectronics (IM AS) was founded in Yaroslavl in 1984. Its director and organizer was Valiev Kamil Akhmetovich. The main objective of the Institute was to perform fundamental research in the field of microelectronics. For this purpose, the building has been allocated on the street Krasnoborskaya, 3. For two years clean rooms have been equipped and the first scientific equipment was started.

In 1989 the second building of the Institute (building “A”) was built on the Universitetskaya Street, 21. Two years later the first experimental integrated circuits were obtained.

In 1999 IM AS was transformed into the Institute of Microelectronics and Information science of Russian Academy of Sciences (IMI RAS).

Yaroslavl branch of the Institute of physics and technology, Institution of Russian academy of sciences (YB IPT RAS) was established by order of the Institute of physics and technology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPT RAS) № 183 of 12.12.2006, according to a decree of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences № 20 of 25.01.2006. YB IPT RAS is the successor of the IMI RAS.

According to the order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation No. 701 dated September 18, 2018:

  • The Institute of Physics and Technology of Russian Academy of Sciences was named after Kamil Akhmetovich Valiev.
  • The Institute of Physics and Technology of Russian Academy of Sciences was renamed to Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology of Russian Academy of Sciences (Valiev IPT RAS).
  • The Institute of Physics and Technology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Yaroslavl Branch was renamed to Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Yaroslavl Branch (Valiev IPT RAS, Yaroslavl Branch).

Since 1984, the institute trained 30 candidates and 9 doctors of sciences. The staff of the Institute has published over 600 papers, including about 300 articles in peer-reviewed national and international publications. 25 patents were received.



Building А
150067, Yaroslavl, Universitetskaya, 21
+7 (4852) 24-65-52 (Admission)
+7 (4852) 24-09-55 (Accounts dep)
Building B
150055, Yaroslavl, Krasnoborskaya, 3
+7 (4852) 24-53-53